- There is limited public open space at other locations
- Wastewater, water and electrical services are available
- There is existing car parking
- There is appropriate passive surveillance for safety
- The proposal compliments the Shorebird Reserve Masterplan.
- It is central to the reserve facilities (carpark, playground, pathways)
- Wastewater, water and electrical services are available
- It provides clearance to underground services
- There is appropriate passive surveillance for safety.
- The hand washing basin will be in a covered yet open area
- Security lighting will be on all night, set on timers to activate from sunset to sunrise, with light spill limited to the building area only
- The doors will be electronically locked at night to prevent anti-social behaviour
- The architectural design is pleasing and inviting for community use.
Why was the location chosen at Shorebird Reserve, Taren Point?
The location was chosen based on the following:
Why was the location chosen for Castelnau Reserve?
The location was chosen due to the following:
How was the proposed design for the public amenities chosen?
The public amenities at Taren Point and Caringbah will align with Council's Public Domain Design Manual as well as the Design guidelines for public toilet facilities.
How will Council ensure safety of the community for the new public amenities?
Safety of the community is a key consideration is planning for new public amenities. The following safety measures will be included:
How will Council ensure the public amenities are maintained once in use?
The toilet facility will be listed on Council’s schedule for regular cleaning and annual building inspection.
Will I receive notification of the Development Application?
This development has been considered in accordance with the EP&A Act and is permissible under the provisions of the State Environmental Planning Policy (Infrastructure) 2007. A Development Application is not required.
When will work start?
It is expected construction will start in early 2022 (pending COVID-19 restrictions). The work will take approximately four months to complete.
Once in operation, how can the community report any faults or maintenance concerns?
You can download Council's SnapSendSolve app or visit our website online form.