Public amenities - Woolooware Bay Shared Pathway and Castelnau Reserve, Caringbah
Consultation has concluded

Consultation period: 23 August to 10 September 2021
Sutherland Shire Council is planning to provide new public amenities at:
- Woolooware Bay shared pathway at Shorebird Reserve, Taren Point
- Castelnau Reserve, Caringbah.
The new public amenities will include:
- Four toilets – male, female, unisex and accessible/family
- A covered open washbasin area
- Water bubbler
- Bike racks.
Toilet facilities at these two locations has been requested by the local communities to improve public amenity in the areas.
Have your say
To assist Council finalise the design of the proposed public amenities, we are seeking your feedback to ensure it meets the needs of the community.
You can provide feedback on one or both of the proposals until 10 September 2021:
- Online by taking one or both of the surveys below
- In writing to Project Delivery Unit, Sutherland Shire Council, Locked Bag 17, Sutherland 1499
Next steps
Following feedback received, we will move to finalise design of the public amenities. Construction is expected to start in early 2022 (pending COVID-19 restrictions).
For more information contact our Project Delivery team on 9710 0333.
Note: These developments have been considered in accordance with the EP&A Act and are permissible under the provisions of the State Environmental Planning Policy (Infrastructure) 2007. Development Applications are not required.