Why is Council seeking to create additional off-leash dog parks?
Council recognises there is a strong desire in the community for adequate space to safely exercise their dogs.
We have seen significant growth in dog ownership over the last two years; due in part to COVID-19 lockdowns. The trend towards higher density living is also likely to create continued increases in demand for open space suitable for exercising dogs off-leash.
Off-leash areas can provide the following benefits:
• they provide an alternative recreation option, particularly for residents not as involved in organised sport or recreation; and are environments that offer ‘social connection’ with other dog owners
• they provide an environment where dog owners can exchange advice on dog management, and where responsible dog ownership principles can be promoted and reinforced
• they allow dogs to socialise freely (important for dog to dog socialisation)
• they allow apartment and small allotment dwellers to own dogs
• they provide a focal point for community education and training programs
What is Council’s ‘service standard’ for dog exercise facilities?
The service standard for dog exercise facilities in Sutherland Shire is summarised in the table below.
This standard is contained in Council’s Open Space Strategy and Implementation Plan 2021-31, which considers emerging trends, challenges and opportunities as Council works in partnership with the community to plan for the future of open spaces.
What is a ‘shared use’ or 'timed allocation' model for off-leash dog facilities?
A shared use model is where an open space area is used by both sporting/community groups as well as dogs off-leash exercise, often at allocated times.
Sutherland Shire Council officers surveyed the 14 Sydney Councils using timed dog off-leash allocations on sports fields to obtain feedback on the delivery and efficacy of the shared use model.
Responses indicated that off-leash dog exercise is generally permitted within specified hours typically early morning or overnight use during weekdays. Some Council's take a more general approach by allowing dogs off-leash any time the sport field is not in use by sporting groups.
Shared use arrangements present a number of opportunities and complexities for the management and maintenance of public open space. This warrants further investigation and broad community engagement to identify possible options.
How were sites assessed for suitability?
When reviewing potential locations for the new off-leash dog area, we assessed sites for suitability according to the following criteria:
• An area no less than 3000m2 if possible
• Visibility and monitoring
• Environmental issues that may impact use
• Mostly level with good drainage
• Council-managed land
• Proximity and appeal to users
• Access to existing facilities
• Accessibility
• Shade
Constraints also include proximity to endangered ecological communities, Aboriginal heritage, landform, proximity to residents and existing recreation uses.
Why can’t Council establish off-leash facilities in walking distance from my home?
This would be a substantial change to the committed service provision of one facility within five kilometres of most homes.
Available suitable land is limited. For Council to increase the service level to provide a dog off-leash service within walking distance of most homes, it is anticipated that over 150 dog off leash facilities would be necessary. This is considered unsustainable and no local government provides such a service.
What existing off-leash dog areas are there in the Sutherland Shire?
Council currently provides six off-leash dog areas, including beaches that are designed to meet the needs of both dogs and their owners. See below. A further dog off leash area is planned for at Heathcote Oval.
In addition, it is permissible for the community to exercise dogs in most public reserves on a lead, as well as along over 1000's of km's of footways.
The Ridge Dog Off Leash Bush Park(External link)
Recreation Drive, Barden Ridge
Carina Bay Reserve, Como(External link)
Tivoli Esplanade, Como
Helena Street Dog Park(External link)
Helena St, Kirrawee
Silver Beach Dog Off Leash Area(External link)
312 Prince Charles Parade, Kurnell
Horderns Beach Dog Off Leash Area(External link)
1R Brighton Street, Bundeena
Greenhills Beach Dog Off Leash Area(External link)
2 Mitchell Road, Cronulla
More information on existing off-leash dog areas can be found here: https://www.sutherlandshire.nsw.gov.au/Outdoors/Where-Can-I-Take-My-Dog/Dog-Friendly-Areas-across-the-Shire(External link)