Consultation dates: 15 August - 19 September 2022
Council is investigating options for additional off-leash dog parks in key locations across the Sutherland Shire.
To meet the growing community need for dog exercise areas and support active lifestyles, Council's Open Space Strategy and Implementation Plan 2021-31 aims to provide an off-leash park within 5kms of most homes.
We currently have some gaps in this service standard and are seeking community feedback on:
Possible locations for new, fully fenced off-leash spaces: our Open Space Planning team have investigated suitable sites in priority service areas and identified possible options (seeContinue reading
Consultation dates: 15 August - 19 September 2022
Council is investigating options for additional off-leash dog parks in key locations across the Sutherland Shire.
To meet the growing community need for dog exercise areas and support active lifestyles, Council's Open Space Strategy and Implementation Plan 2021-31 aims to provide an off-leash park within 5kms of most homes.
We currently have some gaps in this service standard and are seeking community feedback on:
- Possible locations for new, fully fenced off-leash spaces: our Open Space Planning team have investigated suitable sites in priority service areas and identified possible options (see below). We want to understand community preferences on these, and/or alternative sites.
- Timed access: We know that not everyone is comfortable sharing spaces with dogs, so off-leash access at specified times may be the way for all park users to share our open spaces. This model is currently being used by the Sutherland Shire Council at two sports ovals, and other NSW councils have also applied this model across a variety of parks with success.
Our community has one of the highest rates of dog ownership in NSW, and this has grown significantly in recent years. Dog exercise is an important part of responsible pet ownership. Council supports this need with six existing off-leash dog areas, with another planned for at Heathcote Oval.
Have Your Say
Now is your chance to have your say to help make sure we get the new locations right before we start designing great enclosed off-leash dog parks.
Share your feedback by Monday 19 September 2022:
- Online via the survey below
- Using our Mapping Tool below
- In writing to Open Space Assets, Sutherland Shire Council, Locked Bag 17, Sutherland 1499
- Via email to Council’s Open Space Assets Team:
Possible locations:
Note: Not all of these sites will be adopted. Options are not listed in order of priority. Area size (m2) and location outlined is approximate and indicative only and may be adjusted depending on the feedback received.
Priority Service Area - Caringbah/ Lilli Pilli:
- Robin Place Reserve, Caringbah South (3000m2)
- Castelnau St Reserve, Caringbah South (3100m2)
- Burraneer Park, Burraneer (3000m2)
- Alcheringa Park, Miranda (7000m2)

Priority Service Area - Sylvania / Taren Point:
- Miranda Park, Miranda (6500m2)
- M6 Corridor, Taren Point (opposite Flower Power) (20,000m2)
- Sylvania M6 Corridor, Sylvania Waters (3000m2)
- 223A Belgrave Esplanade, Sylvania Waters (4500m2)

Priority Service Area - Illawong / Alfords Point:
- Austin St Reserve, Illawong (4100m2)
- Tallowwood Reserve, Alfords Point (3100m2)
- Batavia Place Reserve, Illawong (3000m2)
- 19R Phoenix Place, Illawong (7100m2)

Priority Service Area - Menai/Bangor:
- Akuna Reserve, Bangor (3000m2)
- Buckle Reserve, Menai (3600m2)
- Ross Reserve, Bangor (3200m2)

Priority Service Area - Woronora Heights:
- Woronora Heights Oval, Woronora Heights (4000m2)

Service Area - Grays Point:
- Grays Point Reserve, Grays Point (7300m2)