Local Housing Strategy 2041
As our lifestyles and circumstances change it is important that we are able to live in the type of housing we need or want in the areas where we want to be. One size does not fit all when it comes to housing. What suits one person may not suit another. What suits us today may not suit us in 10 or 20 years.
Many factors affect our choices and the opportunities that are available in the places we want to live. Some of these can be influenced by Council and some rely on other factors such as market forces, industry trends or State Government policy.
Planning for change
Over the next 20 years Sutherland Shire will experience some change. We already know Sutherland Shire, like other areas, will need to accommodate a proportion of Greater Sydney’s population. Our existing community will also continue to change and so will their needs.
Council’s role is to plan for the existing and upcoming needs and expectations of our community while balancing Local and State Government priorities. We are considering housing options for 10-20 years in the future. By doing this we intend that the right type of homes will be made available for our residents in the right locations and connected to infrastructure, jobs, open space, services and entertainment options.
What we heard
We consulted with our community in July/August 2021 on the future of housing in Sutherland Shire. Feedback received indicated that our community wants to keep the suburban, quiet, low-density character of neighbourhoods by keeping single houses with backyards. They also want to ensure streets are safe and quiet. However, Sutherland Shire has very few remaining areas where subdivision for single lots can take place.
During the consultation, we included a Housing Simulation Tool, which allowed the community to consider what types of infill housing they preferred. The below graph shows the preferences averaged across all submissions.
Next steps
We will keep our community updated of progress on the draft Local Housing Strategy and when we are seeking feedback. For more information you can get in touch with our Strategic Planning team spu@ssc.nsw.gov.au