Playground - Beaumaris Drive Reserve, Menai

Consultation Period: 6 to 31 May 2022

The playground at Beaumaris Drive Reserve, Menai is due for renewal. We understand the site is small, difficult to access and lacks passive surveillance. As a result we are reviewing the suitability of this location.

Colwyn Close, Menai is being considered as the proposed new location as it is centrally located, well-suited for a local playground and is in close walking distance to many residents.

Based on this, Council is proposing to relocate the playground at Beaumaris Drive Reserve and replace it with a new playground at Colwyn Close Reserve, Menai.

The proposed changes include:

  • Re-locating the playground from Beaumaris Drive Reserve to Colwyn Close Reserve, Menai
  • Building a new local playground at Colwyn Close Reserve with an increased range of play equipment (climbing, sliding and swinging elements)
  • Decommissioning the existing playground at Beaumaris Drive Reserve and restoring the area.

Have your say

To assist Council to finalise the location of the playground, we are seeking your feedback.

Feedback about the proposed new location can be submitted until 31 May 2022:

  • Online via the survey below
  • In writing to Open Space Assets, Sutherland Shire Council, Locked Bag 17, Sutherland 1499.

Next steps

Following community feedback, Council will prepare final designs for the playground and keep our community updated of progress. It is expected that work will start on the relocated playground during 2023.

For more information contact our Open Space Assets Team.

Consultation Period: 6 to 31 May 2022

The playground at Beaumaris Drive Reserve, Menai is due for renewal. We understand the site is small, difficult to access and lacks passive surveillance. As a result we are reviewing the suitability of this location.

Colwyn Close, Menai is being considered as the proposed new location as it is centrally located, well-suited for a local playground and is in close walking distance to many residents.

Based on this, Council is proposing to relocate the playground at Beaumaris Drive Reserve and replace it with a new playground at Colwyn Close Reserve, Menai.

The proposed changes include:

  • Re-locating the playground from Beaumaris Drive Reserve to Colwyn Close Reserve, Menai
  • Building a new local playground at Colwyn Close Reserve with an increased range of play equipment (climbing, sliding and swinging elements)
  • Decommissioning the existing playground at Beaumaris Drive Reserve and restoring the area.

Have your say

To assist Council to finalise the location of the playground, we are seeking your feedback.

Feedback about the proposed new location can be submitted until 31 May 2022:

  • Online via the survey below
  • In writing to Open Space Assets, Sutherland Shire Council, Locked Bag 17, Sutherland 1499.

Next steps

Following community feedback, Council will prepare final designs for the playground and keep our community updated of progress. It is expected that work will start on the relocated playground during 2023.

For more information contact our Open Space Assets Team.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Thank you for your interest in this survey and proposed relocation of the Beaumaris Drive Reserve playground. The survey should take a few minutes to complete.

    Your feedback is important and will assist Council in finalising the relocation of the playground and its renewal. 

    We won't be able to respond to each message but we will read through and carefully consider all feedback and report back to all respondents. 

Page last updated: 19 Aug 2022, 11:32 AM