How the garden and related activities will affect others
Always work from the footpath or verge, never from a position on the road
Watch out for passing cars and keep clear of cyclists and pedestrians
Wearing high visibility clothing is recommended
Wear gloves and any other personal protective equipment
Use tools safely and do not store tools or materials on the footpath as they may cause a trip hazard
Gardening works must be undertaken by hand. Mechanised equipment is not permitted.
What is a verge garden?
A street verge is the area of public land located between the private property boundary and the road carriageway. This area is usually grassed and may contain street trees, footpaths, driveways, street furniture, and other above or below ground infrastructure. It is also commonly referred to as a ‘nature strip’.
Verge gardens are plantings on public land situated on the street verge, which are maintained by residents or business operators.
What approvals are required?
Before starting a verge garden, you must receive approval from Council via Roads Act consent. This approval is sought through the completion of a Road Opening Application. The online Verge Garden Application form will become available for submissions upon Council adoption of the Verge Garden Policy, it will be located within the Work in Public Places Section of Councils Website: Work in public places | Sutherland Shire Council (nsw.gov.au)(External link).
How do I begin planning my verge garden?
Review Council’s Verge Garden Guideline and prepare your plan, showing the proposed verge garden location, dimensions, materials and plant species.
Who is responsible to maintain the verge garden?
A well-maintained verge garden contributes towards enhancing the Shire’s streets in terms of environmental performance and visual quality. It is the resident’s responsibility to maintain their verge garden in a safe, clean and tidy way to ensure that it is free of weeds, disease, vandalism, foreign matter, dead plant materials and hazards. Existing concrete footpaths and footpath allocations are to be clear of vegetation overhang at all times.
Do I need to consult with my neighbours?
It is important to remember that the verge is a public space. Although no formal neighbourhood notification is required, we encourage you to talk to your neighbours or owners corporation (if applicable) and inform them of your plans to create a verge garden prior to commencing.
How do I locate underground services?
Before you start planning your garden, find out where the underground services are located by contacting Before You Dig, a free service for locating underground service utilities, by phone on 1100 or at www.byda.com.au(External link)
What are the safety precautions I should take?
Residents are responsible for their own safety while working on a verge garden. This means taking basic safety precautions such as wearing appropriate clothing and protective equipment, sun safety and taking care when using tools and materials. Always consider the following when working on a verge garden: