What is a Special Entertainment Precinct?

    A Special Entertainment Precinct (SEP) is a defined area where sound from venues with amplified music is managed by a precinct management plan. The development of a special entertainment precinct removes subjectivity and creates an understanding between residents, businesses and Councils about what levels of noise are acceptable in the precinct. 

     In a special entertainment precinct the following is also permitted: 

    • Businesses in the precinct that provide live entertainment can trade for an extra hour without needing Council’s consent
    • Later outdoor dining with live music 
    • New residential development is required to sound proof against entertainment sound. 

    Special entertainment provides opportunities to celebrate our creative communities, and boost vibrancy into our centres for locals and visitors. 

    Where is Council looking to implement a special entertainment precinct?

    Council is investigating opportunities to implement a special entertainment precinct within the Cronulla Town Centre. The exact area has not been defined. We are seeking feedback from our community as we explore this opportunity. We want to understand what areas might be most suitable to a SEP in Cronulla. 

    My property is in Cronulla Town Centre, what will this mean for me?

    If you are a business within the area selected to be a SEP you will be able to follow the precinct management plan for hours of operation and noise levels. 

     If you live in the area you will have certainty about how businesses in the area will operate and the noise that they will emit. 

     Council will refine the SEP area based on feedback, prior to a planning proposal.

    Why was Cronulla chosen for a SEP in the Sutherland Shire?

    Cronulla has been proposed for consideration for a SEP as it has over 50% of all outdoor dining spaces in the Sutherland Shire, with large areas of public space appropriate to accommodate greater activity. This proposal supports a long-term vision for a thriving, vibrant and safe night-time economy in Cronulla Town Centre.

    Do other Council’s have SEP’s in their area?

    Enmore Road in the Inner West Council area is NSW’s first SEP. Inner West Council has seen great success in Enmore and is now in the process of implementing six more special entertainment precincts. 

     Councils across greater Sydney are currently investigating SEPs and are at different stages in the process. 

    Is Council considering other areas of the Sutherland Shire for a SEP?

    Council may consider investigating further areas subject to the success of this proposal for Cronulla.

    How will entertainment sound be managed?

    A special entertainment precinct would create regulation around fixed decibel limits for amplified entertainment within the precinct at different times of the day. This early proposal does not mean that sound in the area will necessarily be increased.  

    Will the community be able to have a say in the sound limits?

    Following this early consultation, Council will review feedback and if the proposal is supported, there will be further consultation as a part of a future planning proposal. This would include a draft precinct management plan with proposed sound limits, as well as hours of operations and proposed days of the week.

    Can noise complaints be made once a SEP is in place?

    Yes, NSW Liquor and Gaming regulate all entertainment related noise from licenced venues and ensure that they are complying with management plans. More information on how noise is regulated in a SEP is available from NSW Liquor and Gaming.

    Some businesses can’t play live music due to their development consent. Can these businesses host live music under a SEP?

    In a SEP all businesses conditions of development consent relating to hours of operation and entertainment noise are overridden by the precinct management plan. Any business in the area will be able to host live music in accordance with the management plan.

    How can the community provide feedback?

    Early consultation is currently underway and we are seeking feedback on a special entertainment precinct in Cronulla Town Centre. Following this consultation, we will review all the feedback and report back to the elected Council. 


    There’s lots of ways to get involved and provide feedback. You can complete the survey, drop a pin location on the map or add to our Ideas Board on this website. You can also meet us in person at one of our information stalls over the coming weeks. 

    What are the NSW Government vibrancy reforms?

    The NSW Government Vibrancy Reforms have been established to boost nighttime economy, live music and dining across the state to bring vibrancy back into the economy and the community. More information can be found on the NSW Government website.