Proposal to name reserve located at 6-8 Leonay Street "Harris Park"
Consultation has concluded.
Sutherland Shire Council has received a proposal requesting that Council adopt the name "Harris Park" for the public reserve located at 6-8 Leonay Street, Sutherland. The reserve, which is owned by Council, does not have an assigned geographical name. The name "Harris Park" has been proposed to honour local residents, Sid and Rita Harris for their community service and contributions to the development .
In its meeting on 18 July 2016 Council resolved to provide in-principal support for the name "Harris Park," and undertake consultation with the community prior to making a formal submission to the Geographical Names Board.
Public comment is welcomed through this forum, or by telephone, email, or post using the contact details below:
Phone: (02) 9710-0877
Post: Sutherland Shire Council, Locked Bag 17, Sutherland NSW 1499
Public Reserve at 6-8 Leonay Street, Sutherland
Map indicating location of public reserve located at 6-8 Leonay Street, Sutherland that is proposed to be named "Harris Park."