You're invited to comment on the Draft Report on Gwawley Bay Catchment Floodplain Risk Management Study & Plan 2015. The Plan and associated maps can be accessed on the Documents Library Tabs on this page. It has been developed by Floodmit Pty Ltd.
'Under NSW legislation, councils have the primary responsibility for management of development within floodplains.
This engagement is now closed for public comment.
To appropriately manage development, councils need a strategic plan which considers the potential flood risks and balances these against the beneficial use of the floodplain by development.
To do this, councils have to consider aContinue reading
You're invited to comment on the Draft Report on Gwawley Bay Catchment Floodplain Risk Management Study & Plan 2015. The Plan and associated maps can be accessed on the Documents Library Tabs on this page. It has been developed by Floodmit Pty Ltd.
'Under NSW legislation, councils have the primary responsibility for management of development within floodplains.
This engagement is now closed for public comment.
To appropriately manage development, councils need a strategic plan which considers the potential flood risks and balances these against the beneficial use of the floodplain by development.
To do this, councils have to consider a range of environmental, social, economic, financial and engineering issues. This is what happens in a floodplain risk management study.
The outcome of the study is the floodplain risk management plan, which details how best to manage flood risks in the floodplain for the foreseeable future.'
(Appendix A: Frequently Asked Questions, Draft Report on Gwawley Bay Catchment Floodplain Risk Management Study & Plan ,March 2015, Floodmit Pty Ltd .)
You are invited to comment in the following ways:
By entering your comments directly into the space below, or you can upload a file.
Note: To participate online you are required to Register first. If you have not already registered for Join the Conversation go to the 'Register to get involved' tab where you will be asked to provide a valid email address and create a screen (nick) name.
Post: submit a written response address to
Shire Infrastructure Unit
Sutherland Shire Council,
Locked Bag 17, Sutherland NSW 1499.
Email: (External link)
Closing Date: 22 May 2015 at 4:30 PM.
Draft Report : The Draft Report on Gwawley Bay Floodplain Management Study & Maps are also on public exhibition in the foyer of Council's Administration Building 4 - 20 Eton Street; Sutherland.
Enquiries: Peter Le - Project Officer Ph: 9710 0119
Phone: 9710 0119