What are the steps taken to prepare the overland flood study?

    Following community feedback, Council will use information provided to validate our model. We will then finalise our mapping. This will allow a draft report to be prepared and put on public exhibition. The community can review and provide feedback on the draft report. This is expected to be in April / May 2022. Council will then adopt a final Overland Flood Study report. 

    Why doesn't Council's stormwater drainage network adequately prevent overland flooding?

    Council’s stormwater drainage network comprises stormwater pits, pipes and open channels. Like all drainage networks, it is designed to convey primarily minor, more frequent storm events. In major storm events, runoff that is not intended to be captured by the drainage network must flow overland. Our roads and valleys are generally the primary overland flow paths.

    When does flooding occur?

    Flooding is unpredictable and can happen at any time. It can be many years between floods but multiple floods can happen in one year. Mainstream and overland flooding occurs during and following times of intense rain in a catchment. 

    Do we have to wait for a completed study for Council to address flooding issues?

    Council will continue to undertake stormwater drainage investigations and work, while the study is in progress.  

    When complete the study will allow for investigations and work to be better prioritised.

    How do I get flood information about my property?

    Detailed flood information for flood affected property is available for purchase from Council, see the details here.