Draft Fees & Charges for Kirrawee Library+

recording studio

Council is currently constructing Kirrawee Library+, a technology focused library offering shared work spaces and state-of-the-art facilities for film screenings, conferences, film editing and live recording of music.

We’ve proposed the fees and charges for the new hireable spaces, including:

  • events space
  • theatrette
  • recording studio
  • white screen studio
  • green screen studio
  • podcast studios.

The rates aim to recover some costs associated with providing these valuable services. The proposed charges have been benchmarked against those of similar commercial and Council-run venues within the Sutherland Shire and throughout Australia.

As Council is committed to providing services that benefit the community, there are different rates proposed for commercial and not-for-profit groups or students. The draft fees and charges can be viewed in the Document Library.

Have your say

You can provide feedback on the draft fees and charges for Kirrawee Library+ until 28 November 2024:

  • Online using the below feedback form
  • Email to library@ssc.nsw.gov.au
  • In Writing to Coordinator Library Engagement, Sutherland Shire Council, Locked Bag 17, Sutherland 1499.

Next steps

Following community consultation, Council will review and consider all feedback. Some changes may be made to the fees and charges. They will then be finalised and reported to Council for adoption prior to the opening of Kirrawee Library+ in April 2025.

Council is currently constructing Kirrawee Library+, a technology focused library offering shared work spaces and state-of-the-art facilities for film screenings, conferences, film editing and live recording of music.

We’ve proposed the fees and charges for the new hireable spaces, including:

  • events space
  • theatrette
  • recording studio
  • white screen studio
  • green screen studio
  • podcast studios.

The rates aim to recover some costs associated with providing these valuable services. The proposed charges have been benchmarked against those of similar commercial and Council-run venues within the Sutherland Shire and throughout Australia.

As Council is committed to providing services that benefit the community, there are different rates proposed for commercial and not-for-profit groups or students. The draft fees and charges can be viewed in the Document Library.

Have your say

You can provide feedback on the draft fees and charges for Kirrawee Library+ until 28 November 2024:

  • Online using the below feedback form
  • Email to library@ssc.nsw.gov.au
  • In Writing to Coordinator Library Engagement, Sutherland Shire Council, Locked Bag 17, Sutherland 1499.

Next steps

Following community consultation, Council will review and consider all feedback. Some changes may be made to the fees and charges. They will then be finalised and reported to Council for adoption prior to the opening of Kirrawee Library+ in April 2025.

Page last updated: 28 Nov 2024, 11:59 PM