About the Survey

    How is Council gathering information to then inform the Draft DIAP? 

    Council is facilitating a number of community engagement activities to gather information:

    • Online Access and Inclusion Survey.
    • Roundtable workshop for people with a disability and their carers.
    • Consultation workshop with local Disability Service providers.    

    What is the purpose of the survey?

    • To create a platform for people with a disability, their families and their carers to have their say. 
    • To collaborate and share ideas.
    • To hear, understand, reduce and remove barriers faced by people with disability.
    • To understand what is working, supporting and promoting inclusion and access (so we can continue and extend upon this).
    • To utilise survey data and community feedback for developing the Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2022-2026.

    What will Council do with the information from the Access and Inclusion Survey? 

    The information collected from the survey will help us identify and understand the challenges that people with disability face and actions Council can undertake to improve access and inclusion. This information will be used to help set priorities for the 2022 -2026 DIAP.

    Please note:

    • You do not have to answer all the questions - It is your choice. 
    • You can ask someone to help you. 
    • You do not have to tell us your name or address. 
    • We will not share your answers to anyone. 

    What do we mean by 'Access' and 'Inclusion'?

    People with disability have a right to access and inclusion. In an accessible community you can easily: 

    • go anywhere you need to.
    • take part in social and cultural life e.g. events and programs.
    • find appropriate and satisfying job opportunities. 
    • access information you need on services, facilities, events and program.

    Keen to Learn More?

    The Disability Inclusion Act 2014 requires Council to develop a Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP). 1 in 5 people in Australia live with a disability, so it is important to have a DIAP that guides our strategic direction for making our services, facilities, information and programs are more accessible and inclusive.

    In 2016, 9,352 people in Sutherland Shire reported needing help in their day-to-day lives due to disability, and 21,536 (12%) of our residents provide unpaid assistance to persons with disability. Additionally, 45% of Australians will experience a mental illness within their lifetime.

    Council is committed to protecting the rights of people with disability to participate equally and meaningfully in the community and promoting the value of diversity and inclusion.

    The DIAP focuses on four main areas and how these factors impact the day-to-day life of people living with disability.

    1. Creating Liveable Communities
    2. Supporting Access to Meaningful Employment
    3. Promoting Positive Attitudes and Behaviours
    4. Councils Systems and Processes