What is the Community Strategic Plan (CSP)?

    The CSP outlines the community’s vision, aspirations, and priorities for the future. It also includes strategies for how we will work together to achieve them. The plan is prepared by Council in collaboration with and on behalf of residents, other levels of government and local agencies.

    How is the CSP developed?

    The CSP is developed through consultation with our community. This includes input already received about our other strategies and plans, feedback from our recent Community Satisfaction Survey and specific feedback on your ideas for the CSP review. 

    We also gain input from State and Regional Plans, Australian Bureau of Statistics data and consultation with other community networks and groups.

    What are we doing to achieve the CSP goals?

    Council has an adopted four-year Delivery Program and annual Operational Plan which contains strategies and actions to achieve our CSP goals.

    Council is not solely responsible for delivering every goal and strategy of the CSP, instead we have an advocacy role and work in close collaboration with those other agencies, community organisations, and key stakeholders and partners to deliver the strategies outlined in the CSP.