This page is for affordable and community housing providers and selected stakeholders with a particular interest in affordable housing in Sutherland Shire. If you have a broader interest in housing in Sutherland Shire, you can have your say through the Housing our Community engagement.
About this survey
As part of the development of a new Housing Strategy for Sutherland Shire we are exploring the need for and provision of affordable rental housing. This survey is a first step in opening up that discussion with key stakeholders so that Council can better understand what is happening at the local level.
Following on from this we hope you will also participate in an online workshop where we can present the collective survey findings and look at mechanisms, barriers and potential solutions.
This page is for affordable and community housing providers and selected stakeholders with a particular interest in affordable housing in Sutherland Shire. If you have a broader interest in housing in Sutherland Shire, you can have your say through the Housing our Community engagement.
About this survey
As part of the development of a new Housing Strategy for Sutherland Shire we are exploring the need for and provision of affordable rental housing. This survey is a first step in opening up that discussion with key stakeholders so that Council can better understand what is happening at the local level.
Following on from this we hope you will also participate in an online workshop where we can present the collective survey findings and look at mechanisms, barriers and potential solutions.