What is Active Transport?

    Active transport is any form of transport that involves some kind of physical activity, in particular, walking and cycling. It can also include the use of public transport, because the walk to and from the bus or train is part of the journey. 

    What is Public Transport?

    Public Transport systems generally include a variety of transport options such as buses, trains and light rail that are available to the general public, usually require a fare, and run at scheduled times. 

    Who is responsible for Active Transport?

    Council is generally responsible for providing infrastructure to support walking and cycling such as footpaths, shared pathways, on road cycleways, cycle racks, street lighting and seating with funding support from Transport for NSW.

    However, more regionally significant projects such as the Cronulla to Sutherland Active Transport Link (SCATL) are generally funded and delivered by Transport for NSW (State Government) in consultation with Council and the community. 

    Who is responsible for Public Transport?

    Transport for NSW (State Government) is responsible for the provision and operation of public transport services such as buses and trains.   It is Council’s role to advocate to Transport for NSW on behalf our community for changes to and additional or improved services.

    Council is generally responsible for providing supporting facilities such as bus stops, bus seats and shelters, as well as the active transport infrastructure leading to these facilities. 

    Why do we need to encourage and support the use of Active and Public Transport?

    Increasing access to and use of active and public transport promotes healthy, affordable and less-polluting forms of travel whilst at the same time reducing car dependency. Reducing our car dependency will allow us to better manage traffic congestion and parking demand.

    What is the Cronulla to Sutherland Active Transport Link (SCATL)?

    The Sutherland to Cronulla Active Transport Link (SCATL) is a Transport for NSW (State Government) project that will provide a pedestrian and bicycle path between Sutherland and Cronulla to help make walking and bike riding a more convenient, safer and enjoyable transport option.

    More information and status updates on the current project proposal can be found on Transport for NSW: 

    Council’s preference is for sections of SCATL to be contained within the existing rail corridor.  A copy of Council’s current submission can be found here.