FAQs – Multi Dwelling and Dual Occupancy Minimum Lot Size Planning Proposal.
We’ve compiled a list of commonly asked questions covering the main issues surrounding housing and development and Council’s introduction of a minimum lot size requirement in our Sutherland Shire Local Environmental Plan 2015.
1.Why do we need more homes?
2.What role do the different levels of Government have in facilitating housing and development?
3.How does an LEP facilitate housing?
4.Why has there been such a large boom in development across Sutherland Shire?
5.Why can’t Council change the development controls to stop the amount of development taking place?
In addition to our responsibility to provide suitable housing for our community, Council must abide by State policy directions. A State direction requires that a Planning Proposal must “not contain provisions which will reduce the permissible residential density of land”. Council cannot introduce controls that would take away the current residential development potential of a parcel of land.
6.Why introduce a minimum lot size requirement in the Sutherland Shire LEP 2015 for certain forms of development?
There are two reasons for the introduction of a minimum lot size for Multi Dwelling and Dual Occupancy in the LEP:
a) Changes to refine existing controls for dual occupancies and multi dwelling development
b) Changes to reduce the impact of "Missing Middle" Codes SEPP on Local Neighbourhoods
“Complying development” is a quick and simple approval alternative to the Development Application process. The types of development that can be approved as complying development are identified in the State Environmental Planning Policy (Exempt and Complying Development Codes) 2008 (the "Codes SEPP"). These forms of development can be approved by a private certifier if pre-determined criteria are satisfied.