What is this proposal about?
Sylvanvale were granted use of the land at 147 Garnet Road in the 1960s to provide services to people with disabilities. Over time their services have changed, and the site no longer suits their needs.
By rezoning the site they hope to cover the cost of moving their operations to a more suitable location. The rezoning will allow the site to be developed for residential uses.
What part of 147 Garnet Rd, Kareela does this Planning Proposal cover?
The site (proposed lot 104, within the existing Lot 1142 DP752064) is part of the property at 147 Garnet Road, Kareela. The site is owned by Sylvanvale, a registered charity who provide services, accommodation and employment to people with disabilities.
The property at 147 Garnet Road in in the process of being subdivided (as approved under DA20/0381) with proposed lot 104 to be rezoned for other uses, and the remainder continuing to operate as a child care centre (see Map).
What will the development include?
The development would retain the existing childcare centre at the southern end of the site. On the northern part of the site it is proposed to build residential flats within the footprint of the existing buildings and parking areas. The concept designs indicate the development would include 63 flats. See the plans for details.
What sensitive environmental qualities does this site have?
The site has sensitive environmental qualities and is near to a nationally significant flying fox colony on public land. To minimise the impact of development, future building footprints will be limited to areas that have already been substantially modified. This will allow more trees to be retained while also providing a buffer between new residents and the existing Grey Headed Fox Community.
Why are residential flats proposed for this site?
A townhouse development on this site would affect a larger area of the site, meaning that more trees and natural vegetation would be removed.
The site is not well suited to development for single dwellings. The steep slopes, easements and buffers required to manage bushfire and flood risks would not leave adequate space for homes. It would also be more difficult to preserve the existing vegetation if it was divided up into privately managed backyards.
In contrast the impacts of residential flat development can be contained within the existing disturbed and built area of the site. This allows 50% of the site to be retained as natural vegetation and landscaping to better preserve the environmental qualities of the site.
What height will be permitted?
Residential flats will be permitted at up to 16m in height. Any other development on the site is restricted to 8.5m.
What floor space ratio will be permitted?
Residential flats will be permitted to have a floor space ratio of 0.7:1. Any other development on the site will be limited to 0.55:1
What will the landscaped area be?
All development on the site will be required to retain 50% of the site’s area for deep soil landscaping.
What will the Additional Permitted Use provision do?
The provision will allow the site to be developed for residential flats.
What will the final development look like?
The planning proposal is setting the zoning, building height, floor space limits and landscaping requirements for future development on the site. Details of how the buildings will look would be considered when the Development Application is lodged.