Draft Masterplan Jenola Park, Woolooware

Consultation has concluded

Jenola Park is a well-loved and highly used park in Woolooware which services local residents and sporting clubs. Council is planning to expand and improve the opportunities for recreation at this Park to benefit all members of the community.

About the Jenola Park Masterplan

Council has prepared a draft Masterplan for Jenola Park in Woolooware to guide its future use and development. It details the staged delivery of improvements to ensure that active lifestyles are supported by providing a mix of active, passive and programmed uses. The proposed upgrades have been informed by community and stakeholder consultation, site analysis and input from relevant specialists.

The draft Masterplan identifies several opportunities for improvement including:

  • Renewal of sports field lighting
  • Realigning the two sports fields to provide one consolidated flexible sports area
  • Seating and a perimeter walking path around the park
  • An outdoor fitness equipment area
  • Improving pedestrian access and including a shared path
  • More flexibility for the community building including allocated goal storage behind the building
  • Improving public amenities.

Have your say by 17 December 2021

Help Council ensure that the Jenola Park Masterplan meets the needs of our community by providing your feedback on the draft.

  • Online by taking the survey below
  • In writing to Jenola Park Masterplan, Open Space Assets Team, Sutherland Shire Council, Locked Bag 17, Sutherland 1499.

Next Steps

Community feedback received during the exhibition period will be considered and the draft Masterplan may be further refined based on this feedback. It is anticipated that the final Masterplan will be reported to Council in early 2022 for final adoption.

For More Information

If you have any questions or would like to discuss this project please contact Council's Open Space Assets Team on 02 9710 0333.

Jenola Park is a well-loved and highly used park in Woolooware which services local residents and sporting clubs. Council is planning to expand and improve the opportunities for recreation at this Park to benefit all members of the community.

About the Jenola Park Masterplan

Council has prepared a draft Masterplan for Jenola Park in Woolooware to guide its future use and development. It details the staged delivery of improvements to ensure that active lifestyles are supported by providing a mix of active, passive and programmed uses. The proposed upgrades have been informed by community and stakeholder consultation, site analysis and input from relevant specialists.

The draft Masterplan identifies several opportunities for improvement including:

  • Renewal of sports field lighting
  • Realigning the two sports fields to provide one consolidated flexible sports area
  • Seating and a perimeter walking path around the park
  • An outdoor fitness equipment area
  • Improving pedestrian access and including a shared path
  • More flexibility for the community building including allocated goal storage behind the building
  • Improving public amenities.

Have your say by 17 December 2021

Help Council ensure that the Jenola Park Masterplan meets the needs of our community by providing your feedback on the draft.

  • Online by taking the survey below
  • In writing to Jenola Park Masterplan, Open Space Assets Team, Sutherland Shire Council, Locked Bag 17, Sutherland 1499.

Next Steps

Community feedback received during the exhibition period will be considered and the draft Masterplan may be further refined based on this feedback. It is anticipated that the final Masterplan will be reported to Council in early 2022 for final adoption.

For More Information

If you have any questions or would like to discuss this project please contact Council's Open Space Assets Team on 02 9710 0333.

Consultation has concluded
CLOSED: This quick poll has concluded.

Overall, do you support the draft Masterplan for Jenola Park?

I support the draft Masterplan
I support some elements of the draft Masterplan only
I don't support the draft Masterplan
I am undecided
Total Votes : 46