Draft Woronora River Dredging Management Plan

We understand that the build-up of sediment can cause issues for vessels navigating the Woronora River.

Council has developed the draft Woronora River Dredging Management Plan to guide future dredging work carried out in the river. It sets out a proactive, long-term approach to ensuring safe and reliable access throughout the Woronora River for residents, waterway users and emergency services.

We have extensively surveyed the local waterways, gathered initial community feedback and partnered with expert consultants to develop the draft Plan.

The strategy for dredging involves:

  • Ongoing targeted dredging at priority areas as needed, such as Gweneth Thomas Wharf and the Rural Fire Service facility
  • Regular surveying of the riverbed to monitor sediment build-up
  • Navigational dredging (potentially every 7-10 years as determined by riverbed surveying), at the seven highly-sedimented problem areas identified along the river, as shown in this map.

Learn more by reading the draft Plan in the Documents section of this page, or look at the Frequently Asked Questions.

As the owners of the riverbed of navigational channels, the NSW Government is responsible for fully funding councils to carry out dredging activities. We will continue efforts to secure grants from the NSW Government to improve navigation of the river.

Have your say

We are inviting our community to learn more and provide feedback on the draft Plan. You can provide feedback until 28 October 2024:

  • Online – complete the survey below
  • In person – drop by our information session (details below)
  • In writing – Catchments and Waterways Unit, Sutherland Shire Council, Locked Bag 17, Sutherland NSW 1499
  • Emailstormwaterandwaterways@ssc.nsw.gov.au

Drop-in information session

We welcome you to speak with the project team about our plans for managing dredging in the Woronora River. You can attend our information session and meet the project team, drop-in anytime:

  • Wednesday 23 October 2024: 4pm to 6.30pm – Woronora Life Saving Club Hall, Prince Edward Park, Woronora

What's next?

Council will review and consider all feedback. We may make some changes to the Plan based on feedback received. The Plan will then be finalised and reported to Council for adoption.

We understand that the build-up of sediment can cause issues for vessels navigating the Woronora River.

Council has developed the draft Woronora River Dredging Management Plan to guide future dredging work carried out in the river. It sets out a proactive, long-term approach to ensuring safe and reliable access throughout the Woronora River for residents, waterway users and emergency services.

We have extensively surveyed the local waterways, gathered initial community feedback and partnered with expert consultants to develop the draft Plan.

The strategy for dredging involves:

  • Ongoing targeted dredging at priority areas as needed, such as Gweneth Thomas Wharf and the Rural Fire Service facility
  • Regular surveying of the riverbed to monitor sediment build-up
  • Navigational dredging (potentially every 7-10 years as determined by riverbed surveying), at the seven highly-sedimented problem areas identified along the river, as shown in this map.

Learn more by reading the draft Plan in the Documents section of this page, or look at the Frequently Asked Questions.

As the owners of the riverbed of navigational channels, the NSW Government is responsible for fully funding councils to carry out dredging activities. We will continue efforts to secure grants from the NSW Government to improve navigation of the river.

Have your say

We are inviting our community to learn more and provide feedback on the draft Plan. You can provide feedback until 28 October 2024:

  • Online – complete the survey below
  • In person – drop by our information session (details below)
  • In writing – Catchments and Waterways Unit, Sutherland Shire Council, Locked Bag 17, Sutherland NSW 1499
  • Emailstormwaterandwaterways@ssc.nsw.gov.au

Drop-in information session

We welcome you to speak with the project team about our plans for managing dredging in the Woronora River. You can attend our information session and meet the project team, drop-in anytime:

  • Wednesday 23 October 2024: 4pm to 6.30pm – Woronora Life Saving Club Hall, Prince Edward Park, Woronora

What's next?

Council will review and consider all feedback. We may make some changes to the Plan based on feedback received. The Plan will then be finalised and reported to Council for adoption.

  • Thank you for your interest in our Draft Woronora River Dredging Management Plan. Your feedback is important and will assist Council as we finalise this Plan, to ensure safe and reliable access throughout the Woronora River.

    We won't be able to respond to each message, but we will read and carefully consider all feedback and report back to all respondents.

    Take Survey
Page last updated: 29 Sep 2024, 05:59 PM