Draft Voluntary Planning Agreement 137-139 Loftus Avenue, Loftus

Consultation has concluded

Council is seeking feedback about a draft Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA) for 137-139 Loftus Avenue, Loftus.

The draft VPA is associated with an approved child care centre at 137-139 Loftus Avenue, Loftus. The Land and Environment Court approved the development in April 2023.

As part of the approval, the developer of the child care centre is required to assist with traffic calming measures on Loftus Avenue as a result of the development. The draft VPA outlines this agreement between the developer and Council.

Have your say

We are seeking your feedback on the draft Voluntary Planning Agreement.

You can provide feedback until 10 September 2023:

  • Online take the survey below
  • Email spu@ssc.nsw.gov.au
  • In Writing to Loftus VPA, Strategic Planning, Sutherland Shire Council, Locked Bag 17, Sutherland 1499.

Next Steps

Following community consultation, Council will review and consider all feedback. We may make some changes to the draft Voluntary Planning Agreement before finalising the agreement.

Council is seeking feedback about a draft Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA) for 137-139 Loftus Avenue, Loftus.

The draft VPA is associated with an approved child care centre at 137-139 Loftus Avenue, Loftus. The Land and Environment Court approved the development in April 2023.

As part of the approval, the developer of the child care centre is required to assist with traffic calming measures on Loftus Avenue as a result of the development. The draft VPA outlines this agreement between the developer and Council.

Have your say

We are seeking your feedback on the draft Voluntary Planning Agreement.

You can provide feedback until 10 September 2023:

  • Online take the survey below
  • Email spu@ssc.nsw.gov.au
  • In Writing to Loftus VPA, Strategic Planning, Sutherland Shire Council, Locked Bag 17, Sutherland 1499.

Next Steps

Following community consultation, Council will review and consider all feedback. We may make some changes to the draft Voluntary Planning Agreement before finalising the agreement.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Thank you for your interest in the draft Voluntary Planning Agreement 137-139 Loftus Avenue, Loftus.

    Your feedback is important and will assist Council in finalising the agreement.

    We won't be able to respond to each message but we will read and carefully consider all feedback and report back to all respondents.

    Consultation has concluded