Proposal to name the new lookout shelter at Woolooware Bay, “Arthur Gietzelt Memorial Lookout”
Consultation has concluded

Council has resolved to undertake community consultation to name Woolooware Bay Stage 6 shared pathway shelter located at 1A Atkinson Road, Taren Point, the “Arthur Gietzelt Memorial Lookout”. The pathway shelter does not currently have an assigned name.
The name “Arthur Gietzelt Memorial Lookout has been proposed to recognise the contributions of the late Hon. Arthur Thomas Gietzelt AO (28 December 1920 – 5 January 2014). The Hon Arthur Gietzelt was a Shire President and Sutherland Shire Councillor who fought to prevent the building of a second airport at the Towra Point and also preserving the habitat of internationally protected migratory seabirds.
The preservation of Towra Point for nature conservation, particularly migratory birds, following the successful community campaign championed by Mr Gietzelt to prevent the second airport in the 1960’s, not only provided a significant environmental benefit but just as importantly maintained a direction of development and community amenity in the eastern part of the Shire which would have been very different with an airport.
You are invited to provide your feedback on this naming proposal. Feedback can be provided directly through the Submissions button below or in writing to Council:
Sutherland Shire Council, Locked Bag 17, Sutherland NSW 1499
For further information or question, please contact Council’s Building & Open Space Assets Unit on ph: (02) 9710 0877.
Public consultation on this naming proposal will be open for four weeks, with comments accepted until midnight on 24 October, 2018.