Wesley Mission and Frank Vickery Village:

    Wesley Mission is a not-for-profit organisation that has operated as an aged care provider since 1928. Wesley Mission opened Frank Vickery Village Sylvania in 1948 at its current location and has continued its operation since. This is co-located with the Wesley Vickery Sylvania residential care facility. Wesley Mission also operates Wesley Vickery Sylvania on the site Wesley Mission also operate a Lifeline 24-hour crisis call centre from the heritage cottage located within Frank Vickery Village.

    Wesley Mission will continue operation of the Frank Vickery Village site and will uphold support for residents and their families throughout the process of consultation, redevelopment and update of care facilities.

    What is this proposal about?

    Wesley Mission has submitted a Planning Proposal to enable the renewal of the existing seniors housing on the site, which is nearing the end of its economic life. The proposal is to create a contemporary, high amenity seniors village with support services and facilities to provide aged care that meets modern day standards. The proposal will enable the delivery of additional seniors housing in the form of Independent Living Units and Residential Aged Care Facilities as well as public domain improvements and community facilities that better respond to the strategic context and potential of the site.

    The Planning Proposal for the site seeks to:

    • rezone the site from R2 Low Density Residential to R4 High Density Residential – this will make a vertical village style of seniors housing permissible
    • increase the maximum floor space ratio from 0.55:1 to 1.26:1 and increase the maximum height limit from 8.5m to 26.5m – this will be done via a bonus provision that links the additional FSR and height to the use of the site for seniors housing
    • include additional permitted uses – this will allow a total gross floor area of 1,000m2 dedicated to retail premises, with the size of any individual retail premises being limited to a maximum of 500m2; 3,000m2 dedicated to recreational facilities (indoor) and 1,000m2 dedicated to medical centre uses

    Without these provisions, it would not be feasible for Wesley Mission to upgrade their existing facilities to meet contemporary standards and requirements.

    What will the development include?

    The detailed design of the development has not yet been undertaken. However, at this stage the proposed development is expected to include independent living units, residential aged care beds; up to 1,000m2 dedicated to retail premises; up to 3,000m2 dedicated to indoor recreational facilities; and up to 1,000m2 dedicated to medical centre uses.

    Some of the suggested facilities across the village include an auditorium / multi-purpose room, meeting rooms, café, kitchen/servery, post office, convenience store, gym, consulting rooms (massage, physio, podiatry, chiro), clinic, hair salon, wellbeing room, bowling green, croquet, club room, BBQ area, greenhouse, men’s shed and a possible childcare centre.

    What height will be permitted?

    A maximum height of 26.5 meters will be permitted, provided that the development is used predominantly for seniors housing. Otherwise, the current height limit of 8.5m will apply.

    What floor space ratio will be permitted?

    A maximum floor space ratio of 1.26:1 will be permitted, provided that the development is used predominantly for seniors housing. Otherwise, the current floor space ratio of 0.55:1 will apply.

    What will the local provision do?

    The local provision will ensure that the maximum height of 26.5m and the maximum FSR of 1.26:1 can only be applied if the development is predominantly for seniors housing. This means that despite the rezoning of the site to R4 High Density Residential, any other kind of permissible development would be limited to the current height of 8.5m and FSR of 0.55:1.

    What will the development/buildings look like?

    The Planning Proposal does not lock in a design, rather it creates permissions and broad development parameters - mechanisms that facilitate and guide a future Development Application (DA). The actual design of the proposal is yet to be undertaken. Once it has, the proponent will lodge a DA which will be subject to design analysis, assessment and separate community consultation.

    What happens to the Lifeline cottage (heritage item)?

    The cottage is a heritage item and will not be removed. The Planning Proposal will have a positive impact on the heritage significance of the cottage by improving its visibility, removing unsightly non-heritage additions nearby, and increasing the landscaped area around the cottage.  

    If the Planning Proposal is approved, could Wesley Mission sell the site for high rise residential flat buildings?

    Wesley Mission has submitted a Planning Proposal as part of their long-term commitment to providing seniors housing at Frank Vickery Village. The proposed site-specific provision will ensure any buildings seeking to exceed the current height and floor space ratio (FSR) controls are predominantly used for seniors housing. Were the site sold and developed for any use other than seniors housing, the current height limit of 8.5m and floor space ratio (FSR) of 0.55:1 will apply.

    How many units/beds will be on the site?

    The village currently consists of 200 one and two-bedroom independent living units (ILU), 69 beds in the residential aged care (RAC) section and some social housing.

    The proposal is to increase the number of ILUs to 519 and the number of beds in residential aged care to 126. These numbers may be adjusted as the actual design is finalised.