Planning for our future - LSPS

Consultation has concluded

Consultation is now closed

Consultation period was 11 September to 25 October 2019


We are working on our Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) that will set out a coordinated vision for how places in Sutherland Shire are planned and managed in the future. This Statement outlines a clear connection between State and Local government policies, priorities and responsibilities. Our community is unique, yet we are part of Greater Sydney and our Local Strategic Planning Statement must align with the NSW Government South District and Greater Sydney Region Plans.

But we want to hear from you about planning for our long-term vision for the Sutherland Shire. The information on this page aims to help our community understand changes to the way we will manage planning in Sutherland Shire and more broadly across Sydney.

These changes respond to the way our community is evolving and reflect our priorities set out in Community Strategic Plan and the actions tasked to us in the South District Plan. The South District includes Sutherland Shire and is one of five districts that make up ‘Greater Sydney’.

The next step is establishing a ‘local strategic planning statement’ which is our road map for planning in our area over the next 20 years.

Reaching a vision to guide future growth will involve broad community engagement. We have already started talking with some community groups about planning in their local areas. We now want to hear from as many people as possible.

Sutherland Shire Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) 2019

Last year, the State Government introduced new legislation requiring councils to prepare local strategic planning statements (LSPS) with the purpose to communicate:

  • the 20 year vision for land use in the local area
  • the special characteristics which contribute to local identity
  • shared community values to be maintained and enhanced
  • how growth and change will be managed into the future.

The statements will shape how the development controls in the local environmental plan (LEP) evolve over time to meet the community’s needs.

The Local Strategic Planning Statement will:

  • show how actions in the Sydney South District Plan will be implemented in Sutherland Shire
  • bring together the land use and planning priorities for the local government area and explain how they will be achieved
  • indicate any future changes to planning controls or studies which may be needed to implement actions, such as for housing, employment or environmental issues
  • incorporate and summarise land use objectives and priorities identified in Council’s Community Strategic Plan
  • look at matters on a local government area wide scale, by specific locality, or by themes.

Exhibition Period

The exhibition period for the DRAFT LSPS is open from Wednesday 11 September to Friday 25 October 2019. Drop-in information sessions, a 2-day Community Expo and workshops will be hosted over this period; see below for details.

Drop-in Information Sessions

Monday 16 September, 10am-12pm - Menai Marketplace - COMPLETED

Tuesday 17 September, 10am-12pm - Southgate Shopping Centre - COMPLETED

Thursday 19 September, 10am-12pm - Cronulla Mall, near the Post Office - POSTPONED

Wednesday 25 September, 10am-12pm - Cronulla Mall, near the Post Office - COMPLETED

Monday 23 September, 3pm-6pm - Sutherland Entertainment Centre (Community Expo) - COMPLETED

Tuesday 24 September, 3pm-6pm - Sutherland Entertainment Centre (Community Expo) - COMPLETED

Thursday 26 September, 6pm-7pm - Sutherland Shire Council - Council Chambers, 4-20 Eton Street, Sutherland - COMPLETED

Workshops (by registration)

Session 1 : Monday 23 September, 6pm - 8pm - COMPLETED

Session 2 : Monday 14 October, 4pm - 5:30pm or 6pm - 7:30pm, or Tuesday 15 October 6pm - 7:30pm COMPLETED

You can also provide feedback through the online survey below.

For more information

If you would like to discuss this proposal, please contact Council’s Strategic Planning Unit on 9710 0800 or email

Consultation is now closed

Consultation period was 11 September to 25 October 2019


We are working on our Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) that will set out a coordinated vision for how places in Sutherland Shire are planned and managed in the future. This Statement outlines a clear connection between State and Local government policies, priorities and responsibilities. Our community is unique, yet we are part of Greater Sydney and our Local Strategic Planning Statement must align with the NSW Government South District and Greater Sydney Region Plans.

But we want to hear from you about planning for our long-term vision for the Sutherland Shire. The information on this page aims to help our community understand changes to the way we will manage planning in Sutherland Shire and more broadly across Sydney.

These changes respond to the way our community is evolving and reflect our priorities set out in Community Strategic Plan and the actions tasked to us in the South District Plan. The South District includes Sutherland Shire and is one of five districts that make up ‘Greater Sydney’.

The next step is establishing a ‘local strategic planning statement’ which is our road map for planning in our area over the next 20 years.

Reaching a vision to guide future growth will involve broad community engagement. We have already started talking with some community groups about planning in their local areas. We now want to hear from as many people as possible.

Sutherland Shire Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) 2019

Last year, the State Government introduced new legislation requiring councils to prepare local strategic planning statements (LSPS) with the purpose to communicate:

  • the 20 year vision for land use in the local area
  • the special characteristics which contribute to local identity
  • shared community values to be maintained and enhanced
  • how growth and change will be managed into the future.

The statements will shape how the development controls in the local environmental plan (LEP) evolve over time to meet the community’s needs.

The Local Strategic Planning Statement will:

  • show how actions in the Sydney South District Plan will be implemented in Sutherland Shire
  • bring together the land use and planning priorities for the local government area and explain how they will be achieved
  • indicate any future changes to planning controls or studies which may be needed to implement actions, such as for housing, employment or environmental issues
  • incorporate and summarise land use objectives and priorities identified in Council’s Community Strategic Plan
  • look at matters on a local government area wide scale, by specific locality, or by themes.

Exhibition Period

The exhibition period for the DRAFT LSPS is open from Wednesday 11 September to Friday 25 October 2019. Drop-in information sessions, a 2-day Community Expo and workshops will be hosted over this period; see below for details.

Drop-in Information Sessions

Monday 16 September, 10am-12pm - Menai Marketplace - COMPLETED

Tuesday 17 September, 10am-12pm - Southgate Shopping Centre - COMPLETED

Thursday 19 September, 10am-12pm - Cronulla Mall, near the Post Office - POSTPONED

Wednesday 25 September, 10am-12pm - Cronulla Mall, near the Post Office - COMPLETED

Monday 23 September, 3pm-6pm - Sutherland Entertainment Centre (Community Expo) - COMPLETED

Tuesday 24 September, 3pm-6pm - Sutherland Entertainment Centre (Community Expo) - COMPLETED

Thursday 26 September, 6pm-7pm - Sutherland Shire Council - Council Chambers, 4-20 Eton Street, Sutherland - COMPLETED

Workshops (by registration)

Session 1 : Monday 23 September, 6pm - 8pm - COMPLETED

Session 2 : Monday 14 October, 4pm - 5:30pm or 6pm - 7:30pm, or Tuesday 15 October 6pm - 7:30pm COMPLETED

You can also provide feedback through the online survey below.

For more information

If you would like to discuss this proposal, please contact Council’s Strategic Planning Unit on 9710 0800 or email

Keep updated on the LSPS

Consultation has concluded