Draft Delivery Program 2017-2022 and Operational Plan 2021-22

Consultation has concluded

Children playing at a water fun park

Correction - We mistakenly included a link to this consultation in our May 2022 edition of Our Shire and it was closed 2021.

Plese click through to the correct link to have your say on our current Draft Delivery Program for 2022-2026, Draft Annual Operational Plan, Budget and Capital Works Program for 2022-23, and our long term Draft Resourcing Strategy.

The 2021 consultation below is now closed.


We asked for your say on our Draft Delivery Program for 2017-2022, the Draft Annual Operational Plan, Budget and Capital Works Program for 2021/22.

These draft plans spell out Council’s priorities, actions and commitments to you, and are informed by the things you’ve told us you value and need to maintain your quality of life in Sutherland Shire.


Draft plans can be viewed in the document library.

Feedback on the plans can be submitted:

Online here through an official submission or as part of our online drop-in discussion forum

By email to ssc@ssc.nsw.gov.au

In writing to Corporate Strategy Team, Sutherland Shire Council, Locked Bag 17, Sutherland 1499.

For more information contact our Corporate Strategy team on 02 9710 0442 or via email at ssc@ssc.nsw.gov.au.


We encourage you to read the draft Delivery Program 2017-22 and Operational Plan 2021-22 and then jump into the discussion forum below and provide your comments and feedback. You can reply to other people's comments and you can upvote or downvote comments you agree/disagree with. This is a safe and moderated space for kind and constructive conversation - we will jump in only if we see things are getting off-topic or to clarify any misunderstandings. If you have any questions or get lost, please contact our Corporate Strategy team on ssc@ssc.nsw.gov.au.

Some tips to get the discussions flowing:

  • Keep refreshing your page so you can see what others have contributed
  • If you see something interesting, let the author know!
  • If you have a question for another contributor, don't be shy.

If you wish to make an official submission of your feedback on the draft plans, click on the second tab called 'Submissions'.

Correction - We mistakenly included a link to this consultation in our May 2022 edition of Our Shire and it was closed 2021.

Plese click through to the correct link to have your say on our current Draft Delivery Program for 2022-2026, Draft Annual Operational Plan, Budget and Capital Works Program for 2022-23, and our long term Draft Resourcing Strategy.

The 2021 consultation below is now closed.


We asked for your say on our Draft Delivery Program for 2017-2022, the Draft Annual Operational Plan, Budget and Capital Works Program for 2021/22.

These draft plans spell out Council’s priorities, actions and commitments to you, and are informed by the things you’ve told us you value and need to maintain your quality of life in Sutherland Shire.


Draft plans can be viewed in the document library.

Feedback on the plans can be submitted:

Online here through an official submission or as part of our online drop-in discussion forum

By email to ssc@ssc.nsw.gov.au

In writing to Corporate Strategy Team, Sutherland Shire Council, Locked Bag 17, Sutherland 1499.

For more information contact our Corporate Strategy team on 02 9710 0442 or via email at ssc@ssc.nsw.gov.au.


We encourage you to read the draft Delivery Program 2017-22 and Operational Plan 2021-22 and then jump into the discussion forum below and provide your comments and feedback. You can reply to other people's comments and you can upvote or downvote comments you agree/disagree with. This is a safe and moderated space for kind and constructive conversation - we will jump in only if we see things are getting off-topic or to clarify any misunderstandings. If you have any questions or get lost, please contact our Corporate Strategy team on ssc@ssc.nsw.gov.au.

Some tips to get the discussions flowing:

  • Keep refreshing your page so you can see what others have contributed
  • If you see something interesting, let the author know!
  • If you have a question for another contributor, don't be shy.

If you wish to make an official submission of your feedback on the draft plans, click on the second tab called 'Submissions'.

Discussions: All (8) Open (0)
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    A key ingredient in the high quality of life experienced by our residents is a feeling of belonging to our local community.  Our residents want to preserve and enhance the sense of community by ensuring they are engaged, not only in the delivery of services, but also in decision making processes. Residents want access to information and knowledge that will enable them to provide sound input on policies and decisions that will shape the future of Sutherland Shire. 

    Our research has identified the need to improve our engagement practices and actively engage residents across the generations in ongoing conversations.  We will aim to empower our community to better understand the challenges posed by change and growth and evolve a partnership where we can each share our aspirations, concerns and values. Establishing and sustaining this partnership will result in greater ownership and take up of ideas, that will lead to the achievement of better outcomes for all.

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    Our community strongly values our access to the rich and diverse natural environment of Sutherland Shire. We have over 1000 parks and reserves and over 3000 hectares (30km2) of land containing bushland vegetation under Council management. Our Green Streets and Greenweb programs help support our natural flora and fauna. Our coastal environment and waterways are key features of our natural environment and highly valued by our community. 

    There are a range of factors impacting the natural environment. Our weather is changing, we have experienced recordbreaking heat trends and at the same time total tree canopy is reducing, making our streets hotter which impacts our energy bills. 

    Our community is concerned about the impact of development on our natural environment – our trees, beaches and parks. We want to maintain our natural resources and our access to them.

    The natural environment supports our health and wellbeing, enhances our built environment and we know our community value the sense of place and identity which stems from a strong connection within the natural environment.

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    We know that having a sense of community is important to our residents. We want to be connected to Sutherland Shire as a place but also be part of a community. 

    Demographics show that we have an ageing population. We will need to deliver services that enable ageing residents to remain active and engaged, physically and intellectually. There will be an increasing demand for health care and community support services that will enable people to age in place. 

    Whilst the growth in our population creates challenges, it also provides opportunities to build a stronger community through volunteering, inter-generational programs, and the delivery of services that respond to the needs of new generations. Community safety remains a high priority for residents and our youth organisations continue to identify the need to engage with and support young people as they transition to adulthood.

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    Culture is a vital part of a healthy and connected community. We not only live in Sutherland Shire, but we also play here. We love our cultural centres such as Hazelhurst Gallery and Arts Centre and our cultural events which celebrate and strengthen our cultural landscape and identity. Our shared culture helps us bond and create a strong and respectful community of which we are proud. We are becoming more culturally diverse and have significant Aboriginal heritage in our area that we want to celebrate.

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    While our community is relatively prosperous, with low unemployment rates and high average household incomes, there are still disadvantaged and vulnerable people in our community. Investing in education and learning, from early childhood to later years, is not just good for individuals - but for communities as a whole. 

    We know that quality early education services enrich the lives of children and families, and lifelong learning and engagement builds social and neighbourhood connections. Strong education and training outcomes bring more and better jobs to an area and improve local business and economic outcomes for everyone. An increase in the number of families with children continues to drive demand for children's services. 

    By helping our local economy grow and increasing opportunities for all in Sutherland Shire we build a strong base for our community.

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    Quality of life is important to us and overwhelmingly the community feels they have a great quality of life in Sutherland Shire. The quality of life we value is enhanced by a strong sense of connection and safety in our community and the liveability of our urban environment. 

    The community is concerned about the challenges presented by urban growth. We want a future where growth is balanced with environmental and social outcomes that maintain the high quality of life we value. 

    We want our urban areas to support diversity and choice in housing, effective transport networks and well-designed and accessible public spaces and places. Our roads, footpaths, playing fields, parks and leisure facilities are all important aspects of our urban environment that influence the experience of life in Sutherland Shire.

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    Capital expenditure is work that is undertaken on infrastructure to either renew it or upgrade it. This is done with a view to improve its condition and extend its useful life. Capital expenditure can also be creating new assets.


    almost 4 years ago
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    Council’s budget tells the community how it is going to spend its funds over the course of the financial year. It sets out how it intends to raise revenue and also how that revenue is then going to be spent on services delivered to the community.