What is the draft Delivery Program 2022-2026 and Operational Plan 2022-23?

    Our draft Delivery Program 2022-2026 and Operational Plan 2022-23 outline actions Council will undertake to achieve the objectives and strategies outlined in Our Shire, Community Strategic Plan. 

    The document includes: 

    • Our 4-year Delivery Program (2022-2026) and 1-year Operational Plan (2022-23), by Outcome and Strategies 
    • Financial Management, including budget, projected income, cashflow and financial position 
    • Capital Works Program 
    • Rates and Charges

    What is the draft Resourcing Strategy?

    Our draft Resourcing Strategy outlines how we will allocate resources to achieve the outcomes and strategies set out in Our Shire, Community Strategic Plan. The Resourcing Strategy consists of four parts which aim to optimise available resources to deliver the services and infrastructure our community wants:

    • Long Term Financial Plan
    • Asset Management Strategy and Plan
    • Workforce Strategy
    • Information, Customer and Technology (ICT) Strategy

    What is Our Shire, Community Strategic Plan?

    Our Shire, Community Strategic Plan is a 10-year plan that identifies our community’s vision for the future. It outlines the community’s priorities and aspirations, and how these can be achieved. 

    Our Strategic Plan, is a ‘whole of community’ plan, in which all levels of government, business, educational institutions, community groups and individuals have an important role to play.

    What is the Rate Peg?

    The rate peg determines the maximum percentage amount by which a council may increase its general income for the financial year. It is set by the NSW Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART). Councils have discretion to determine how to allocate the rate peg increase between different ratepayer categories. 

    The rate peg applies to general income in total, and not to individual ratepayers’ rates. As long as its general income remains within the set maximum increase, councils may increase categories of rates by higher or lower than the rate peg.

    What will happen with my submission?

    All official submissions received will be considered and reported to Council in the preparation of the final documents.

    How can I find out more?

    You can join our online forum here, phone our Corporate Strategy team on 02 9710 0442 or email corporatestrategy@ssc.nsw.gov.au