Code of Meeting Practice and Public Forum Policy
Consultation period: 18 November 2024 - 18 January 2025
Council has reviewed and updated the following code and policy and would like your feedback:
- Code of Meeting Practice
- Public Forum Policy.
Code of Meeting Practice
The Code of Meeting Practice provides a framework that supports the principles of transparent and accountable decision making. The Code must be reviewed and adopted within 12 months of a local government election.
Key revisions to the Code of Meeting Practice are:
- Addition of expected standards of behaviour of members of the public gallery
- Allowing a meeting live-stream to remain available at the conclusion of a meeting
- Administrative updates to align with the Model Code.
Public Forum Policy
The Public Forum Policy (the Policy) provides members of the community with the relevant process and procedures for addressing Council on items to be considered at Ordinary Council Meetings. The Policy has been revised to provide increased opportunities for community participation.
Key revisions to the Public Forum Policy are:
- Increasing the maximum time permitted for the Public Forum from 30 to 45 minutes
- Increasing the time limit speakers have to address Council from 3 to 5 minutes
- Allowing a person to apply to speak on two items of business instead of one.
Have your say
We are seeking feedback from our community on the code and policy until 18 January 2024:
- Online via our surveys below
- Email to
- In writing to Sutherland Shire Council, Governance Team, Locked Bag 17, Sutherland 1499.
Next steps
Following community consultation, Council will review and consider all feedback. Some changes may be made. The code/policy will then be finalised and reported to Council for adoption. We will keep interested members of the community updated.