Consultation period: Tuesday 24 August to Wednesday 22 September 2021
Council has drafted a Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Operations Policy and is seeking feedback from the community on the draft Policy.
The draft CCTV Operations Policy outlines principles, responsibilities and governance for current and future CCTV cameras. It includes how we handle information, capture, store and share footage and comply with legislation.
What does it mean for you?
It's part of an integrated community safety strategy aimed at protecting people and property and reducing the potential for crime and anti-social behaviour within the Shire
The Policy applies to all CCTV owned and managed by Council within the Sutherland Shire and the specifics of CCTV Operations Management is outlined under Schedule A of the draft policy.
Have your say
Read the draft policy in the document library of this page and provide us your feedback by Wednesday 22 September 2021:
Online - complete the feedback survey below
In writing - Public Safety and Lifeguards Unit, Sutherland Shire Council, Locked Bag 17, Sutherland NSW 1499
Your feedback will be reviewed by Council Officers and reported back to the community via this site. Then the CCTV Operations Policy will be finalised and submitted to Council for adoption.
For more information
Please call Public Safety and Lifeguards Unit via 9710 0333 or email
Consultation period: Tuesday 24 August to Wednesday 22 September 2021
Council has drafted a Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Operations Policy and is seeking feedback from the community on the draft Policy.
The draft CCTV Operations Policy outlines principles, responsibilities and governance for current and future CCTV cameras. It includes how we handle information, capture, store and share footage and comply with legislation.
What does it mean for you?
It's part of an integrated community safety strategy aimed at protecting people and property and reducing the potential for crime and anti-social behaviour within the Shire
The Policy applies to all CCTV owned and managed by Council within the Sutherland Shire and the specifics of CCTV Operations Management is outlined under Schedule A of the draft policy.
Have your say
Read the draft policy in the document library of this page and provide us your feedback by Wednesday 22 September 2021:
Online - complete the feedback survey below
In writing - Public Safety and Lifeguards Unit, Sutherland Shire Council, Locked Bag 17, Sutherland NSW 1499
Your feedback will be reviewed by Council Officers and reported back to the community via this site. Then the CCTV Operations Policy will be finalised and submitted to Council for adoption.
For more information
Please call Public Safety and Lifeguards Unit via 9710 0333 or email
Draft CCTV Operations Policy 2021 has finished this stage
This consultation is open for contributions until COB Wednesday 22 September 2021.
Under Review
Draft CCTV Operations Policy 2021 has finished this stage
Contributions to this consultation are closed for evaluation and review by Council.
Final report
Draft CCTV Operations Policy 2021 has finished this stage
The final outcomes of the consultation are documented here and emailed to respondents.
Policy adopted
Draft CCTV Operations Policy 2021 is currently at this stage
The CCTV Policy will be updated to include community feedback and presented to Council for adoption. The final policy will be published on Council's website.