Amended Strategy for Finalisation of Superseded S94 and S94A Development Contribution Plans
Consultation has concluded

This strategy is an explanation of the reconciliation of the 12 legacy Contribution Plans. The finalisation strategy is appended to the two current Development Contribution Plans, which have been in effect since 1 January 2017.
The amendments update the works schedule and allocate funds from the superseded 2003 Community Facilities Plan to the augmentation of the Sutherland Entertainment Centre.
In November 2016, Council adopted two new contribution plans for the Shire. Council also adopted a 'Strategy for Finalisation of superseded S94 and S94A Plans'. This strategy details which works will be completed and how funds collected under superseded plans will be spent. Funds will continue to be collected pursuant to the plans, from developments for which conditions of consent require S94 contributions.