31 March 2015

Second Key Stakeholder Meeting

Workshop 2 was undertaken with key Government and Community stakeholders on the 31st of March. A discussion paper was prepared for the workshop which identified the key transport issues and the opportunities arising from workshop 1. These were discussed and evaluated on a number of criteria. The outcomes of Workshop 2 will be included in the draft Our Shire Transport 2030 which will be made available for public comment in May 2015.
23 March 2015

Workshop 2 to be held on the 31st of March

Workshop 2 for key Community and Government stakeholders is being held on the 31st of March. This workshop intends to consolidate and build on the issues, constraints and opportunities identified by stakeholders previously and explore the application of "Link and Place" as a means to identify and appreciate the trade offs that are sometimes needed in achieving desired goals and balanced transport and land use outcomes.
23 April → 24 April 2015

First Key Stakeholder Meeting

Key Government and Community stakeholder meetings were held on the 23rd and 24th of February 2015. The transport issues raised at the workshops were compiled and will form the backdrop for a discussion paper for the next round of stakeholder meetings at the end of March that will look at potential options, actions and stakeholder / community expectations.
04 March 2015

Information, Data, Understanding what the key transport issues are

Following the inception meeting with Transport Consultants GHD in late December 2014 the first primary tasks of the project have been to gather relevant information and data (to provide evidence of issues affecting transport and land use change in the Sutherland Shire) and to take to the key Government and Community stakeholder workshops.
04 December 2014

Transport Consultants Engaged

The tenders for the project were evaluated and approval was given for Transport and Land Use consultants GHD to undertake the Our Shire Transport 2030 project. An inception meeting and revised project program time line with GHD was undertaken in late December