What is the proposal?

    Signorelli Investments Pty Ltd (SIPL) are seeking to purchase two parcels of Council-owned land at 223A(part) and 223G Belgrave Esplanade, Sylvania Waters which adjoin their function centre Doltone House located at 223 Belgrave Esplanade.  The two parcels of land are currently used by Signorelli as a car parking area and as a garden area for photographs and wedding receptions.

    What is Council's involvement?

    This Council land is classified as Community land and in order to sell it, requires reclassification to Operational land and rezoning from RE1- Public Recreation to B1 - Neighbourhood Centre.   Council resolved that while these two parcels of land are zoned for public recreation they serve no benefit to the public as they are used today, and the loss of this land as open space could be justified.

    What is the background?

    Reclassification of this land was first considered in 2005.  The following links to committee reports provide details about the history of Council's considerations since then.