What is a Masterplan?

    A masterplan is a valuable land-use planning document which provides a coordinated and long-term approach for the way open space is improved into the future

    Why is Council developing a Masterplan for Waratah Park?

    Council is progressively preparing masterplans for all open spaces that service a district need in the Sutherland Shire. The draft masterplan is an important move towards optimizing the recreational value of Waratah Park to meet the needs of the community now and into the future.

    How was the draft Masterplan developed?

    To ensure the draft Masterplan was developed with consideration of the diverse and complex needs of Waratah Park, Council engaged a specialist consultant team with expertise in landscape architecture, urban design, architecture, planning and consultation. Early in the Masterplan development a detailed site analysis was undertaken to determine the uses, spatial characteristics, opportunities and constraints of the site. Preliminary community and stakeholder consultation was undertaken to ensure Council considered key issues, recreational needs and desired improvements at the site. Further stakeholder consultation was then completed with relevant user groups and sporting associations to discuss the proposals of the draft Masterplan.

    Based on the site analysis, stakeholder consultation and input from relevant specialists, Council has developed a masterplan for improved recreational opportunities at Waratah Park with a focus on improving sports fields and passive recreation opportunities (see draft Masterplan). These improvements are aimed at supporting active lifestyles by providing a mix of active, passive and programmed uses.

    What happens once I submit my feedback?

    Community feedback received during the exhibition period will be considered and the draft Masterplan will be further refined in response to this feedback. 

    It is anticipated that the final draft Masterplan will be reported to Council in early 2022 for consideration for final adoption. Council will advise the community of the finalised Masterplan and work with key stakeholders on specific parts of the Masterplan as we develop concept plans. 

    We expect work to start on the first stage of the short-term priorities in early 2022.

    What are the expected changes at Waratah Park in the short-term (1-3 years)?

    The Masterplan will follow a staged implementation to correspond with priority work, construction phasing and available funding. Short term works include the all-abilities playground and pathway improvements.

    What does the Masterplan mean for existing users at Waratah Park and the Leisure Centre?

    In accordance with the draft Masterplan, all existing sports and recreational activities can continue to remain on site. Medium and long-term works will result in compliant sized facilities and in some instances, with increased capacity.

    The Masterplan also identifies opportunities for the creation of a modern ‘Aquatic and Court’ precinct that hosts existing uses within the Sutherland Leisure Centre, basketball, tennis, baseball/cricket nets, multi-sport courts and parking. This precinct has been set aside, for detailed configuration once the forthcoming Sport and Leisure Strategy and Implementation Plans are adopted.

    How does the Masterplan impact parking?

    The draft Masterplan proposes that all carparking will be consolidated to the west side of the precinct, with increased capacity, safe connections to Rawson Avenue, community bus parking, increased disabled parking and safe pedestrian link paths.