How do I apply for a pensioner concession on my rates?

    To apply for a pensioner concession complete the pensioner concession application form available on the Sutherland Shire Council website and submit it with a copy of your Pensioner Concession Card.

    How do I know if I’m eligible for a pensioner rebate?

    To be eligible for a pensioner rebate, applicants must own and live in the rateable property and hold either a:

    • Pension Concession Card (PCC)
    • Veterans Affairs TPI or EDA Card or
    • a Veterans Affairs Gold Card and also receive Income Supplement Support from Centrelink.

    What may I be entitled to as an eligible pensioner?

    Entitlements for eligible pensioners remain the same. These include:

    • A maximum concession of $250. Council funds 45% of this payment and 55% is funded by the State Government.
    • An additional voluntary rebate valued at up to $105. This additional rebate is fully funded by Council. To be eligible for the additional rebate, pensioners must have been a ratepayer in Sutherland Shire for three years.